A sequence of triangles that turn into diamonds, thence to squares and rectangles displaying soft hues and slender shapes embellished with powerful colorful accents. Diamantina, the decoration reminiscent of the diamond pattern ceramic tiles often used in the architectural works. From the original design of Gio Ponti.
Dimensions (Cm): 300 × 250
Dimensions (Ft): 9.84 × 8.20
Quality: 120.000 nodi/mq
Pile composition: 30% natural silk, 70% Tibetan wool (hand spun wool hand carded)
Height: 7 mm
Tecnique: Hand Knotting
Origin: Nepal
Finishing: The carpets are hand washed, clipped and carved. The fringes are revolved on the backside and covered with cloth.
Link Producător / Product link:https://amini.it/collection/diamantina/
Dimensiuni / Prețul afișat este pentru configurația din prima schiță de produs / Prețul variază in funcție de categorie
Dimensions / The price shown is available for the first configuration in the product sheet / The price varies depending on the category