Shaped by an organic development inspired by the form of a soy bean, the typical ingredient in Oriental cuisine, Eda-Mame is a furnishing element with a strong impact created by a sculptural design that can give great incisiveness to a space.
Made of moulded foam, Eda-Mame is upholstered in a stretch fabric with a light stitching. The support base is made of crosspieces with rounded steel feet connected to each other by a bar.
Internal frame
tubular steel and steel profiles
Bayfit® flexible cold shaped polyurethane foam
Support frame
fabric in limited categories
Link Producător / Product link: https://www.bebitalia.com/en/en-eda-mame-poltrone.html
Dimensiuni / Dimensions: https://content.bebitalia.com/en/products/317/Eda-Mame?type=dimension&_ga=2.124718786.910666270.1632123204-1494487648.1564127641