The architectural Oskar table, named after Oscar Niemeyer, one of the great masters of modernist architecture, stands out for its harmony of shape and for the tactile sensations of the various materials used.
Its proportions, play of volumes and multiple finishes make it extremely customisable. In its most striking version, the top in cathedral glass with an irregular surface and a light green hue perfectly matches the lacquered legs in glossy emerald green.
wood particles panel and veneered solid wood, MDF wood fibre panel, glass or marble (matt polyester finish)
Lower frame
drawn steel
solid wood
Link Producător / Product link:https://www.bebitalia.com/en/en-oskar-tavoli.html
Dimensiuni / Dimensions: https://content.bebitalia.com/en/products/380/Oskar?type=dimension&_ga=2.82124693.2030322915.1635321388-1494487648.1564127641
Dimensiuni / Prețul afișat este pentru configurația din prima schiță de produs / Prețul variază in funcție de categorie
Dimensions / The price shown is available for the configuration in the first product sheet / The price varies depending on the category