Ray Sofa
Aesthetical and functional, Ray is a modular system that starts with linear elements, chaise longues and terminal elements, which can be used to form all sorts of configurations – even corner and peninsula model.
Its strong points are linearity and simplicity, enriched with tailoring elements such as the blanket stitch in the same colour or a contrasting hue, that enhances the removable covers.
Internal frame
tubular steel and steel profiles
Bayfit® flexible cold shaped polyurethane foam, polyester fibre cover
die-cast aluminium
fabric or leather (blanket stitching)
Link Producător / Product link: https://www.bebitalia.com/en/en-ray-divani.html
Dimensiuni / Dimensions: https://content.bebitalia.com/en/products/396/Ray?type=dimension&_ga=2.95852060.1278611556.1633336718-1494487648.1564127641
Dimensiuni / Prețul afișat este pentru configurația din prima schiță de produs / Prețul variază in funcție de categoria de textil sau piele
Dimensions / The price shown is available for the configuration in the first product sheet / The price varies depending on the fabric or leather category