
RD Grid Berber

Rodolfo Dordoni
In stock
Starting at €3,035 (incl VAT)

RD Grid Berber narrates an ancestral history, one of Berber carpets that perfectly mix ethnicity and contemporaneity. In prized Indian hand-knotted wool, it adapts perfectly to living areas thanks to the distinctive design of straight lines that cross each other creating a unique and perfect grid.



RD Grid Berber is available to buy in increments of 1

Dimensions (Cm): 300 × 250, 400 × 300

Dimensions (Ft): 9.84 × 8.20, 13.12 × 9.84

Quality: 50.000 nodi/mq

Pile composition: 100% blend of fine wools

Height: 20 mm

Tecnique: Hand Knotting

Origin: India

Link Producător / Product link:

Dimensiuni / Dimensions: 250 x 300 cm 

Dimensiuni / Prețul afișat este pentru configurația din prima schiță de produs / Prețul variază in funcție de categorie

Dimensions / The price shown is available for the first configuration in the product sheet / The price varies depending on the category