Terramare Sofa
Attractive shapes and large dimensions characterise the Terramare sofa collection by Studio Chiaramonte/ Marin, designed to create cosy and personal settings both indoors and out. A complete range of furniture for dining and living areas.
Terramare’s material mix is original and innovative: eco-leather back with vintage details, aluminium and stoneware tops, colourful, water-repellent outdoor fabrics.
Link Producător / Product link: https://www.emu.it/en/p/two-seats-sofa-garden-outside-aluminium-eco-leather-terramare-730c-729/
Dimensiuni / Dimensions: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ijvwh7yapqsg1ls/scheda_730%2BC-729_EN.pdf?dl=0
Dimensiuni / Prețul afișat este pentru configurația din schița de produs / Prețul variază in funcție de categoria de textil sau piele
Dimensions / The price shown is available for the configuration in the product sheet / The price varies depending on the fabric or leather category