Walking on Clouds
Front has studied representations of clouds in paintings and has found hundreds of different tones and shades. Their carpets are a collage of clouds depicted from a variety of media from different eras. Clouds have inspired artists, scientists and writers for centuries, and their attempts to capture these ephemeral sculptures are reflected by brushstrokes and marks.
Link Producător / Product link:https://www.moooicarpets.com/family/walking-on-clouds/
Dimensiuni / Dimensions:https://www.moooicarpets.com/about-moooi-carpets/technical-specifications/
Dimensiuni / Prețul afișat este pentru configurația din prima schiță de produs / Prețul variază in funcție de categorie
Dimensions / The price shown is available for the first configuration in the product sheet / The price varies depending on the category